Friday, September 26, 2008

Open up That Postbox, youngin...

What’s up Khanyi

Girl, you’ve got a lot of growing to do! Remember how exciting the concept of matric used to be? How you’d wake up in the morning having had dreams of wearing the white jacket and getting respected? Well, I’ve been there, thought it was the alpha omega level of uberness... until Rhodes University showed me a thing or three about the hard life of a modern age diva.

Ok, apart from learning to smoke hub upside down or the art of deep conversation with randoms, one of the more important things I’ve learnt is staying true to me. There is nothing more important than looking out for numero uno and ensuring she’s not fooled by hot blooded men and dingy looking clubs (don’t quote me on the dingy part.... we all know there’s only one club). Khanyi, you’re a beautiful, intelligent and grounded woman who’s about to learn what it’s like to be the small fish in the lake; after having experienced the big fish- small pond life for a year. Stay beautiful; stay true, there’s so much out there for you and the life you will choose to live: a life of sisterhood, literature and love. I have tried my hardest to make it as painless and fruitful for you as possible and your job is to open your mind, (close your legs,) and love the amazing women you’ll soon call friends, who will make your first year remarkable (you’ll find them at Walker House... neatly packaged on the third floor, almost as if they were brought there for you).

Seriously though, I can’t stress it enough: I know how emotional you can get, it’s gonna be so rough for you in the first few weeks but, with a little prayer and a bounce in your step, it’ll be all good, ‘cause you know how we diva’s roll: beautifully! Shine on, ma. I love you.

Forever a part of you,


1 comment:

thu_nice said...

Critiquing your post won’t be hard since it’s so similar to my own, so I’m thinking I’ll give you ten points from the get-go!
I think the greatest strength of your entry is in your ability to establish the relationship that exists hypothetically between you and your younger self. You come across as the hip big sister who encourages good times but knows how to differentiate between play time and work time, stressing the importance of not being fooled by “... hot blooded men and dingy looking clubs.” Much of what you have written reflects that emotional connection very well. In addition to this, your style and tone (and the relationship subsequently described) complement the content of the entry. This allows the story being told to flow fluidly.
In terms of syntax, be careful with the length of your sentences. Many of them contain several commas and a colon or semi-colon. Opt to write shorter, more comprehensive sentences instead.
Otherwise, this is a beautifully and skilfully written letter.
thu-nice :)