Friday, September 26, 2008

"Me and my crazy world"-Lost Boys...LOL ;-)

Dearest Thuli

I know high school was a really big shock to your system, finally making friends you can trust is really great and there’s just one thing you should do when you get to Rhodes: DON’T LOSE YOURSELF!

When I got to Rhodes I was not very excited my parents kind of coerced me to come here because they felt that it was such a good school. To them this is the best place that one can develop. Academically I would say that’s true but there are so many things that get in the way of your development as a person...Well at least developing into the person you want to be.
You need to be strong girl i.e. JBS (that means Just Be Strong!) that’s a philosophy I got from a friend of mine, believe me this saying comes in really handy. Life in varsity is rough! When you come here you need to know exactly what it is you want to study so that you can use the career centre to your full advantage (they basically help you build up your CV). When I got here I didn’t know what I wanted to study and I still don’t.

The bottom line is that whatever it is that you end up studying you need to work very hard at it... You are your main competitor when it comes to academics but you also need to show everybody that you can always do better than your previous mark, so working hard is the main priority.

Once you have that in control then only can you start worrying about your social life its very difficult to juggle these two but it’s something that you have to do...Joining societies is also another thing that you must do as this will be a way for you to actually make friends as the people who you bump into at lectures are there to listen to the lecture and usually have another one to rush off to, which will be the same for you. So...You should also live in res so that one day when you are stuck on that equation or essay topic then you have someone who you can go to for some help. Having friends will naturally also come in handy when it is time to go out, as it is not that great going out on your own because people are always on their own mission. But mainly have fun with everything that you do these are your last years of freedom until you go into “the real world”. Take care of yourself “T”!

Lots Love
Me ;-)

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