Friday, September 26, 2008

Dear Yolisa
The sun never ceases to shine when thee is not around, how are you my love? I have been waiting patiently for your response to my letter which I had only received yesterday. It is so good to finally here from you. The nerves and anticipation must be pilling up from the mere thought of Rhodes. Don’t worry, baby steps at this point in time is what you need to slowly get over your fears.
Rhodes is beautiful, tranquil and unique. Its mere scenery may often fool a person’s preconceived idea about this institution. Lord knows I had plenty of those (preconceived ideas that is) but trust me with some minimal issues it usually takes from the first two weeks of term to sometimes the end of the third term for those ideas to be shattered. I know the feeling of having all these anticipations of coming to University and having ideas that you’re finally free from home and one can do whatever they please whenever they please without having anyone to tell them what to do. In many cases that notion is kind of true, but to an extent. One often forgets with the pleasures of life oozing in front of them the consequences that are laid not too far ahead.
There are so many temptations one faces here at Rhodes and the fact it is the biggest beer campus in South Africa does not help either! One can easily loose track of they studies here and get mixed up in situations that in the end seem so pointless. There was a time that I was really losing track of my life, heavy partying and making boys my world got me in a twisted web of hurt, confusion and failure. Don’t allow yourself to get side-tracked, focus and have a healthy balance. God Bless.
Your friend.

1 comment:

amy said...

Dear Yolisa

I also had many preconceived ideas about Rhodes, all of which have been shattered. Just like you I thought that coming to Rhodes would allow me to do whatever I want when I wanted, but forgot about the consequences that would come with this freedom! Many times I have put those 'temptations' and social life before my studies and often ended up in asking myself, "what were you thinking?" Like you said, it all seems so pointless in the end. For me the most important thing has been learning how to manage my social life and studies, finding that 'healthy balance'. As well as always remembering why I'm here and not to let others influence me or change me.

Take care,
Amy X